Take a look on definitions and abbreviations, it will help you while reading this manual and working in BonyFace
  1. Control - a spline object, which drives the bones of BonyFace-rig
  2. Direct - a kind of control (blue circle), which directly drives the linked joint of the bones
  3. Soft - a kind of control (yellow circle), which drives the group of directs
  4. Point - an additional dummy-object, linked with control. Most of the controls have two points: first one at the default position of control and the second one, which moves with control
    Abbreviations (present in the names of rig objects too):
  1. BF - BonyFace
  2. BFB - BonyFace's bone
  3. BFMG1o - BonyFace's control circle
  4. BFFCP - BonyFace's control parent point (use to adjust position of control only)
  5. BFMG1p - small point (child) linked with control (don't move or animate it manually without understanding)
  6. BFMG2p - big point (parent), move and rotate it BEFORE SKIN PHASE to adjust positions of rig-objects (if you need that)